You might have been there yourself. Your kid is getting bigger and out comes the dawnting words: Mama, I want a new room (!) Yikes, we think. Oh, no.... Finally all the rooms in the house were settled. No more redecorating, no more tasks at hand.
Yesterday I was given a special painting job for a family. They wanted to give their preteen daughter a new room for her birthday. A wallpainting of her own choosing.
The birthdaygirl loves pandas! The cuddly black and white bear from China, threatend by extinction, is especially well known for its family protective skills, love and devotion. Which I am certain reflects this customer well too.
During the Zhou dynasty (1027 B.C)it was given the nickname "Pixiu" which means invinceble and strong like a tiger! I hope that describes the birthdaygirl aswell!
The panda habitates in the thick bamboowoods of the mountains. The existing curtains in the bedroom were a shade of dark green, so the color of the bamboo forest was made to match.
Wallpaintings in kids bedrooms need to be uplifting. All of the pandas my customer chose had different facial expressions. Paintings and fine art that resonates with the soul creates an interesting dialogue with the child. I am all for that!
As a preschool teacher I was once told that it`s better to create a story of what to find at the end of a rainbow, than telling the real deal of the meterological phenomenon. A unicorn under a rainbow lets the child create its own narrative.
Getting a new room doesn`t need to envolve more than just getting your favorite animal on the wall.
In the world of vintage Disney there are many great illustrations to choose from.
Plastic wallstickers are not the sustainable option to go by in our day and time. Try to leave as little plastic waste as you can on this earth. Murals are easily painted over, leaving no marks on the wall, if you want to redecorate. Have a picture taken of it and pass it on to others who would like it on their wall. Most of us can still remember our childhood wall growing up with great fondness. This way you get to keep it:-)
Filippa:(greek) meaning “lover of horses.
-I should`ve known :-)
When I was a young girl my sisters had horses. I wasn`t that smitten since the galloping class with me around an ovulating Arabian horse`s neck and the teacher yelling: Faster!! And I really was terrible at drawing horses. They all looked like they were wearing sneakers.. So of course I was destined to have a child who adored horses! When she asked for a new room I could have just put a poster in a nice frame.
But me? I went overboard with the equestrian theme.
I drew a polo match, I made a family of horses.
I customized a bulletin board. I painted showjumping stripes..
And I made stars that light up the room. Just like my girl. :-)
Best of luck to you on making that new room❤️